Satanic Parallels
The concept of a supernatural evil force was common throughout the pagan universe. As much as Judaism, Christianity and Islam insist on distinguishing themselves from pagan religions, we find nothing new about them. The table below was compiled by a celebrated expert on Satan, Anton Szandor Lavey, from "The Satanic Bible".
Religionists might rationalize that this list confirms their belief in satanic forces throughout the world. What it really rationalizes is a superstitious fear of the dark. There is an abundance of passages in the Bible which reflect the same fear. See Light verses Dark
1. Abbaddon: (Hebrew) the destroyer | 40. Mastema: Hebrew synonym for Satan |
2. Adramelech: Samarian devil | 41.Melek Taus: devil |
3.Ahpuch: Mayan devil | 42. Mephistopheles: (Greek) he who shuns the light, q.v. Faust |
4. Ahriman: Mazdean devil | 43. Metztli: Aztec goddess of the night |
5. Amon: Egyptian ram-headed god of life and reproduction | 44. Mictian: Aztec god of death |
6. Apollyon: Greek synonym for Satan, the arch fiend | 45. Midgard: son of Loki,depicted as a serpent |
7. Asmodeus: Hebrew devil of sensuality and luxury | 46. Milcom: Ammonite devil |
8. Astaroth: Phoenician goddess of lasciviousness, equivalent of Babylonian Ishtar | 47. Moloch: Phoenician and Canaanite devil |
9. Azazel: (Hebrew) taught man to make weapons of war, introduced cosmetics | 48. Mormo: (Greek) King of the Ghouls, consort of Hecate |
10: Baalberith: Canaanite Lord of the covenant who was later made a devil | 49. Hebrew female devil of seduction |
11. Balaam: Hebrew devil of avarice and greed | 50. Nergal: Babylonian god of Hades |
12. Baphomet: worshipped by the Templars as symbolic of Satan | 51. Nihasa: American Indian devil |
13. Bast: Egyptian goddess of pleasure represented by the cat | 52. Nija: Polish god of the underworld |
14. Beelzebub: (Hebrew) Lord of the Flies, taken from symbolism of the scarab | 53. O-Yama: Japanese name for Satan |
15. Behemoth: Hebrew personification of Satan in the form of an elephant | 54. Pan: Greek god of lust, later relegated to devildom |
16: Beherit: Syriac name for Satan | 55. Pluto: Greek god of the underworld |
17. Bile: Celtic god of Hell | 56. Prosperpine: Greek queen of the underworld |
18. Chemosh: national god of Moabites, later a devil | 57. Pwcca: Welsh name for Satan |
19. Cimeries: rides a black horse and rules Africa | 58. Rimmon: Syrian devil worshipped at Damascus |
20. Coyote. American Indian devil | 59. Sabazios: Phrygian origin, identified with Dionysos, snake worship |
21. Dagon: Philistine avenging devil of the sea | 60. Saitan: Enochian equivalent of Satan |
22, Damballa: Voodoo serpent god | 61. Sammael: (Hebrew) "venom of God" |
23. Demogorgon: Greek name for the devil, it is said should not be known to mortals | 62. Sammus: Central Asian devil |
24. Diabolus: (Greek) "flowing downwards" | 63. Sedit; American Indian devil |
25. Dracula: Romanian name for devil | 64. Sekhmet: Egyptian goddess of vengeance |
26. Emma-O: Japanese ruler of hell | 65. Set: Egyptian devil |
27. Euronymous: Greek prince of death | 66. Shaitan: Arabic name for Satan |
28. Fenriz: son of Loki, depicted as a wolf | 67. Shiva: (Hindu) the destroyer |
29. Gorgo: dim. Of Demogorgon, Greek name of the devil | 68. Supay: Inca god of the underworld |
30. Haborym: Hebrew synonym for Satan | 69. T'an-mo: Chinese counterpart to the devil, covetousness, desire |
31. Hecate: Greek goddess of the underworld and witchcraft | 70. Tchort: Russian name for Satan, "black god" |
32. Ishtar: Babylonian goddess of fertility | 71. Tezcatlipoca: Aztec god of Hell |
33. Kali: (Hindu) daughter of Shiva, high priestess of the Thuggees | 72. Thamuz: Sumerian god who later was relegated to devildom |
34. Lilith: Hebrew female devil, Adam's first wife who taught him the ropes | 73. Thoth: Egyptian god of magic |
35. Loki: Teutonic devil | 74. Tunrida: Scandinavian female devil |
36. Mammon: Aramaic god of wealth and profit | 75. Typhon: Greek personification of Satan |
37. Mania: Etruscan goddess of Hell | 76. Yaotzin: Aztec god of Hell |
38. Mantus: Etruscan god of Hell | 77. Yen-lo-Wang: Chinese ruler of Hell |
39. Marduk: god of the city of Babylon |
I'm not endorsing Lavey's Church of Satan, but I see more common sense from him than I do from clergy. His nine satanic sins shows more common sense than the Bible's seven deadly sins.