Atheism and Skepticism
Atheism A compilation of links and books
Atrocities of the Christian Church
Common Themes of Creation Myths
Creation Myths from around the World
Exploring the Creation-Evolution Controversy
Freedom From Religion Foundation
Free Inquiry Sponsored by the founder of Secular Humanism
James Randi Educational Foundation
Pagan Origins of the Christ Myth An important contribution to the roots of Christianity. 10/7
Pagan Paralles to Christ A page of Utube videos. 10/7
The Naked Truth A two hour video on religious mythology.
The Secular Web The largest and most scholarly of them all
Religion News Blog A secular news source on religion.
Victims of the Christian Faith
Christian Satire
Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
Landover Baptist Church A parody website.
Professor of religious studies does not believe the god of the Bible exists Bart D. Ehrman describes himself as an agnostic who is not sure there is superior force in the universe. I highly recommend his books. 3/9
More than a quarter of American adults have either joined another religion or quite religion Catholicism has had the greatest loses. 2/25
Fundamentalists say the darndest things A compilation of actual quotes. 1/8
Over 300 philosophical proofs of God's existence They're all fallacious, but they are common forms which believers accept as proof. Some are satirical. 12/23
Astrotheology Other researchers are coming to the same conclusion that the Bible is composed of allegorical myths of the sun's passing through the stars of the Zodiac. 11/15
America's Armageddonites have death wish Fundamentalists in high places aim to bring about a major war in the Middle East in support of Israel. 11/3
Religious fanaticism in American foreign policy The foundation for Armageddon beliefs is in the Book of Revelation. 11/4
Zeitgeist, The Movie A 26 minute video that explains the astrotheological mythology that goes into the making of the Bible. Excellent introduction. 10/22
Pagan Origins of the Christ Myth An important contribution to the roots of Christianity. 10/7
Pagan Paralles to Christ A page of Utube videos. 10/7
Americans believe in religion but know little about it Fewer than half can identify Genesis as the first book of the Bible and only a third know that Jesus delivered the Sermon on the Mount. 5/30