From Eden to Babel
The descriptions below can be seen visually by keeping this
Zodiac Map open in a separate window.
This report covers the astrological time from the Garden of Eden to the Tower of Babel. By the timetable in Bible Dates the events of Genesis 2:4b-11 occurs in the Age of Taurus. The zodiacal sequence explains how the Bible's editors told their stories and placed events in the order they did. I have kept additional commentary to a minimum.
Scholars are certain that the first two chapters of Genesis were written by two different authors and later spliced together by a third. One view holds that they are contradictory; another finds the second complementary to the first as a focused view of the creation of man.
In When Was Eden Created I proposed a third view, that the second chapter on the Garden of Eden was the author's way of introducing the creation of the zodiac. The Old Testament was not written as an actual history of Jews. It was written as an epic, giving a mythological view of where Jewish ideals and traditions came from. More specifically, it was written as an astronomical allegory in which the main actors are represented by the stars and how they move.
Thus it is that circle of stars within the zodiac which serves as our guide to deciphering Genesis. As a check on this method, by following the sun along its path through each of the twelve constellations, we should be able to find constellations within each month that represent the principle actors.
As far as where to start, in Days of Creation, I explained why the first six days of creation occur in the Age of Gemini. Of significance is that the third day was in Leo when God made earth. As Genesis 2:4b says, the Garden of Eden was created in the day God made the earth and heavens. So we start in Leo.
On the third day, God made dry land appear from the water under the heavens.
9 "Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear." 10 (Gen. 1:9-10)
+++++++++++++++ Begin Genesis 2 in the Garden of Eden ++++++++++
In the day God made the earth and heavens-the third day.
5 (Gen 2:4b)
Note how in Genesis 1:10 the land is described as dry. This is how Eden started out.
Age of Taurus
In Days of Creation I explained that the six days of creation represented the Age of Gemini. That means that the Garden of Eden was created in the next Age, the Age of Taurus. As such, the Age of Taurus begins when the sun is in Taurus at the spring equinox.
As always, light symbolizes good and dark symbolizes evil. Leo starts on the summer solstice when everything is good. As the sun descends through the monthly constellations, evil increases to its maximum on the winter solstice.
The next two watery constellations represent the cleansing in Noah's flood. As the sun rises to the next summer solstice, things continue to get better. The Age of Taurus extends to the time before Abraham. The chart below serves as our guide.
Virgo and Libra
The Garden of Eden — Images
The three actors in the Garden of Eden are Adam, Eve and the Serpent, represented by Bootes, Virgo and Serpens respectively. They do not appear on the scene in the same sequence they are on the zodiac, so I am going to treat Libra and Virgo as one unit.
1. God created the man.
(Gen. 2:7)Bootes the Herdsman represents Adam.
2. God made the tree of life in the middle of the garden, and he put the tree of knowledge of good and evil there too.
(Gen. 2:9)The middle of the garden would place the two trees at the north pole.
3. Eden had a river that divided into four rivers.
(Gen. 2:10)The zodiac has two rivers, the Milky Way and the constellation Eridanus. The Milky Way's size and length easily qualifies it as the main river with Eridanus a tributary. The other two were the named Tigress and Eupthrates.
4. God formed beasts and birds, and brought them to the man to be named.
(Gen. 2:9)The task wasn't immense as it sounds. They were the animals of the zodiac. The word "zoo" has the same etymology.
5. God took a rib from the man and used it to create a woman.
22 (Gen. 2:21)Bootes has his arm raised towards Virgo, exposing his rib cage.
6. The serpent and the woman have a conversation.
(Gen. 3:1)Serpens head is facing Bootes and Virgo as if they are engaging in a conversation.
7. The woman ate the forbidden fruit and gave some to the man to eat.
(Gen. 3:6)Virgo has in her outstretched hand what is usually interpreted as a corn stalk. It is not much of a stretch to think of it as the forbidden fruit she is offering to the man.
8. In the year 2750 BCE the star Thuban was almost exactly in the North Pole position. Two things qualify if as the tree of good and evil. One, it is located in the constellation Draco when is associated with evil. Two, from the years 2750 on, Thuban descended from its pole position to be replaced by Polaris. The plucking of the forbidden fruit represents the star's descent.
9. The serpent was cursed above all the wild animals.
(Gen. 3:14)The statement refers to the constellation Draco which lays on the North Pole above all the other constellations.
10. "He shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel."
(Gen. 3:15)One foot in the constellation Hercules lies on top of Draco's head. Over the course of a year the constellations rotate around the pole. Thus at one time the foot is on top of the head, and at another the head is on top of the foot. This is what is meant by bruising.
11. He drove out the man. At the east of the garden he placed a cherubim and a flaming sword.
(Gen. 3:24)Bootes and Virgo leave the garden when they descend below the horizon. At the same time, Perseus (next to Aries) rises in the east as if to be driving them out of the garden with his sword.
When Ezekiel describes a cherub as having the face of a man, the face of a lion, the face of an ox and the face of an eagle, he is describing the four cardinal constellations in the Age of Taurus. (See the chart at the top of this page.)
(Ezek. 1:10)14
(Ezek. 10:14)Scorpio
Cain and Abel — Images
Representing Cain and Abel are Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer and Hercules respectively. The serpent symbolizes Cain evilness and Hercules upside down position represents the fallen Abel.
(Gen. 4:8)What was the mark on Cain? Coincidently Ophiuchus' head is represented by one star. It's a reasonable guess that that the mark is the head star Ras Alhague which ranks as the 56th brightest star of all the stars and the brightest in the constellation. Graphic illustrations show the star on Ophiuchus' forehead.
(Gen. 4:15)The Golden Age
Before the introduction of Christmas, each year beginning on December 17 Romans honored Saturn, the ancient god of agriculture, in a festival called Saturnalia. This festival lasted for seven days and included the winter solstice, which usually occurred around December 25 on the ancient Julian calendar.
The Titans were among the earliest gods. They were of enormous size and incredible strength that were said to populate earth with demigods by coupling with nymphs or each other. The most important was Cronus, called Saturn in Latin. In the time of Cronus, the gods made the first men, the Golden Race, who did not suffer old age, sickness or toil, because the earth gave them fruit without labor.
This period, called the Golden Age is described as the first age when men kept the faith and did right by the gods. There was ease and peace upon the land. There were no laws and no strife, therefore no need of punishment. When Zeus overcame the Titans the Golden Age ended.
The Jewish version of the Golden Age can be found in Genesis 5.
1. Genesis 5 gives us an account of great men, most who lived for almost a thousand years. The longest was Methuselah at 969 and the shortest, Enoch at 365. Enoch was the only one who went to heaven without dying first. Noah was the tenth generation after Adam.
24 (Gen. 5:23-24)Enoch's flight to heaven when the sun is in Capricorn occurs when the Milky Way stretches south to north when it was taken as the celestial river to heaven. Star maps show Cygnus the Swan in Capricorn flying up the Milky Way.
The Bible's silence on human events suggests that everyone lived to such extreme ages because there was no strife.
2. Then there was the Nephilim, sons of God who mated with earth women.
(Gen. 6:4)The Nephilim are comparable to the Titans.
Noah's Ark — Images
There is a classic Greek Myth called Jason and the Argonauts. It is about Jason and his fifty Argonauts who sail through twelve adventures on the ship Argo in search of the Golden Fleece. A web search will turn up sites that tell the story and there is a 1963 movie which may be available in your local video store.
Their ship Argo is represented by the constellation Argo Navis and the story unfolds as they sail around the zodiac. The Jewish version is called Noah's ark and takes place from Aquarius through Gemini. It's a story of appalling savagery for which Christians and Jews take too lightly.
Richard Elliot Friedman in Who Wrote the Bible? makes a compelling case that the Bible had several original authors which were later woven together by a later editor to make them seem as if there was one. The confusion caused by this duplication will become apparent.
What is notable is that one author (P for priestly) refers to God as God and the other (J for Yahweh/Jehovah) as Yahweh, translated as Lord. P has one pair of each kind of animal. J has seven pairs of clean animals and one pair of unclean animals. P said the flood lasted 370 days. J said it was forty days and forth nights. To denote the differences, I put a J or a P after the sequence number.
Either way, both were consistent in basing their versions on the constellations. When the sun is in Aquarius the Water Carrier, Noah is the man and the constellation Argo Navis appears in the evening sky as Noah's ark. It is such a big constellation that astronomers, today, have broken it up into three constellations: Puppis, the Stern, Carina, the Keel, and Vela the Sail. They stretch from Gemini to Leo. At the bow is Corvus the Crow, and at the stern is Columba the Dove.
In classical times when the Sun passed in front of the stars of Aquarius, it used to be the rainy season. This was the beginning of the Egyptian Spring when they believed that the Nile would overflow its banks when Aquarius dipped his great jar into the waters of the Nile.
Aquarius is the central figure of that region in the sky often referred to as The Sea. To the east of Aquarius is Eridanus, the Great River, Cetus, the Whale, and Pisces, the Fishes; to the west lies Capricorn, the Seagoat; and to the south is Pisces Austrinus, the Southern Fishes. In the Age of Aries Aquarius coincided with the month of February, which gets its derivation from februarie, "to cleanse."
1. In the Age of Taurus, Aquarius began at the end of December when the sun begins to rise from its lowest point on the horizon. It was a time of darkness, personified as evil.;
6 (Gen. 6:5-6)2. Noah personifies Aquarius the Waterman.
(Gen. 6:9)3. God told Noah to make an ark.
14Make yourself an ark of gopher wood; make rooms in the ark, and cover it inside and out with pitch. (Gen. 6:14)
When did the flood begin?
1P. On the seventh day of the second month in the 600th year of Noah's life, the flood began.
(Gen. 7:11)If the 600th year symbolizes the 6th month, the flood began on the eighth month which coincides with the time of Pisces.
2J. It rained for forty days and forty nights.
(Gen. 7:12)The number four represents a complete journey through the four cardinal points. Perhaps the authors chose forty days because forty months or years seemed too long to live on a ship. Also, forty days would take the ark into Aries.
When did the flood end?
1J. At the end of forty days Noah opened the window.
(Gen. 8:6)Forty days takes us from Pisces to Aries.
2P. The flood lasted one year and ten days to the 27th day of the second month.
13(Gen. 8:13-14)
14The 27th day of the second month falls into Aries.
Which bird did Noah send to find dry land?
1P. Noah sent a raven to seek dry land. The raven went to and fro until the waters dried up.
(Gen. 8:7)In the evening sky, Corvus the Crow's position along the equator makes it visible for half the year. From March it descends towards land until it disappears below the horizon in June.
2J. Noah sent a dove to look for dry land. On the first attempt the dove returned. On the second attempt it returned with an olive branch. On the third attempt he did not return, proving to Noah that the earth had dried.
9 10 11 12 (Gen. 8:8-12)When the sun is in Aries, Columba the Dove rises above the horizon. In the myth of Jason and the Argonauts, Jason sent out a dove to test the dangerous rocks at the passage from the Aegean Sea to the Black Sea. When the bird returned unscathed, it proved to Jason that the passage could be navigated.
When did Noah and God make their covenant?
3J. Noah built an altar and offered burnt offerings of every clean animal and clean bird. Yahweh promised to never again destroy every living creature as he did.
21 (Gen. 8:20-21)The sun leaves Aries on the spring equinox. It is a time of triumph over evil when daylight hours start to exceed night time hours. The constellation Perseus with its meteor shower the Perseids
When Noah stepped on land, his first task was to make burnt offerings of the clean animals. Imagine Noah standing before his animal bonfire represented by Perseus and the Perseids meteor shower. Or his fire could be represented by the sun's emergence above the equator.
4P. The bow in the cloud shall be a sign of the covenant between God and the earth.
(Gen. 9:13)Each day the sun moves in an arc or bow above the horizon. Cloud is a code word for Milky Way. There are only two places where the sun crosses the Milky Way-Gemini and Sagittarius. By process of elimination, the sign of the covenant would occur when the sun crosses the Milky Way at Gemini. The word "covenant" is a pun for covering, as in the sun's light covers the earth.
Noah gets drunk.
5P. Noah got drunk and lay naked in his tent. Ham saw his nakedness and told his two brothers.
21 22 (Gen. 9:20-22)The constellation Auriga the Goat Herder's position above Orion accounts for the incident when Ham looked down upon his father's nakedness.
Shem and Japheth covered their father but did not see his nakedness.
(Gen. 9:23)The Gemini Twins' position above Orion represents Shem and Japheth standing over their father.
Tower of Babel
When the sun was in Capricorn, Gen 5:23 tells us how Enoch went to heaven. It was the time when the Milky Way went in a north-south direction, symbolizing the celestial river to heaven. Six months later in Cancer, the Milky Way is again facing a north-south direction. This takes us to Genesis 11:1-8, the story of the Tower of Babel when the passage to heaven is open again.
As the story goes, the world had one language. One day the people got together and decided to build a tower that reaches to the heavens because it would prevent them from being scattered.
(Gen. 11:4)But God feared that if they spoke one language, nothing would be impossible for them.
(Gen. 11:6)So the gods came down and confused the language by scattering them all over the earth.
7 (Gen. 11:6-7)Readers might reflect on the moral significance of this little fable. Like the story of Adam and Eve, it reflects on the attitude of the priests to preserve their authority by keeping the people ignorant and confused.